Aira A1


For Areas With Power


Have Security and Internet

With our powerful antennas we have the best shot of getting coverage. Even in many Remote areas

Great for Camps, Parks, Mining and much more !!!

Diverse and Very Effective

Provides Instant Notification Security with Video and 2-way Audio to Prevent an Incident.

Enjoy the convenience of Wifi with the Internet in areas where most Mobile Devices don’t work.

With Our Data Plans you can now have Security and use the WiFi for Internet

Simple Yet Very Effective

Simply plug in unit and connect backup battery and wait for the 3 green lights. Open app and set Cameras.

Can be easily relocated or left in one place for long periods of time.

The Cameras sense heat and movement and/or increase in sound, when set up properly rarely falsely activate.

You can have it simply record as well as to Notify you or up to a large group Immediately.

With 2-way audio you can confront the Perpetrator from any device running the App.


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Easy to use Apps

Compatible with just about any Smart Device, Mac and PC

With it’s very diverse function capabilities you can set it up to behave any way you want.

In your video Library it shows an Image of what activated it for quick preview.

Playback and offloading video is a breeze. Simply Download it to your device and Text or email it.